“UFO crash retrivals Vol 1-7“

The following is an interview taken from “UFO crash retrivals Vol 1-7“(Leonard Stringfield is doing the interview.

Department of Air Force Operations Officer

Information provided by an Air Force colonel, who held a crucial role during the Roswell period, outlines significant unidentified flying object (#UFO) encounters that the military faced. These records, made accessible for this document by Tim Cooper, were disclosed on February 10, 1991. A summary is as follows:

Q: Can you describe the nature of #UFOsightings documented by the Pentagon between 1945 and 1951?

A: Reports classified at the highest level of secrecy (exact classification tier not disclosed) refer to the sighting of ‘Foo Fighters’ between 1945 and 1946. Initially presumed to be of German origin. These objects appeared to harness nuclear energy in a manner not yet comprehensible. They were comprised of material and synthetic substances not identified on our planet. Numerous encounters occurred near Los Alamos and Roswell, with these objects traveling over 4,000 miles per hour at altitudes above 20,000 feet.

Q: How did the Air Force react to these sightings?

A: There was considerable alarm and unease due to the mysterious nature of these sightings. The initial assumption was that these could be advancements in Soviet technology, possibly derived from confiscated German innovations.

Q: Are you aware of the existence of the IFU (Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit)?

A: It’s acknowledged that the Army’s G-2 intelligence section monitored these ‘Foo Fighters’ during the conflict and that they collaborated with the Project Silverplate. The name of a specific intelligence agency was not known, though it’s speculated to have been overseen by Doolittle or a similar entity.

Q: Were there any experiments being performed involving atomic energy for secret aircraft?

A: Yes. In 1946-49 at Los Alamos and Sandia Labs. Possibly at Alamogordo and Kirkland. There were secret Navy testing at sea utilizing crude fission reactors for high voltage energy experiments. Also there were atomic reactors being put into aireraft. The experiments failed. Some died from radiation exposure.

Q: Did the Air Force recover “flying disks”?

A: Yes. Some were found in 1946 and 47. Some in Mohave Desert and some in New Mexico.

Q: Where were these “disks” taken to?

A: Some to Muroc and others to Langley. They wanted to know what they were made of and how they worked.

Q: What were these things that were taken to Muroc and Edwards?

A: They were “lifting bodies”. They looked like inverted bathtubs. It was assumed that they were some kind of “pod” or short-range recon probes.

Q: Who was in charge of the scientific research?

A: Von Braun, Condon, Oppenheimer and Teller. There were many technicians (civilian and military) regularly coming to watch and learn. The Pentagon was being briefed weekly and the new developments.

Q: Did they find out how the lifting bodies worked and on what technology?

A: No. They theorized on the ability to achieve the speed of light and utilized magnetic lines of force. They made some gains in understanding how to harness an energy source greater than the hydrogen bomb and how it was possible to reach speeds of 6 miles per second in the earth’s atmosphere. In 1948, they were learning how to recover people back from space and by 59 how to re-enter from orbit. This knowledge led to the shuttle development.

Q: How did they learn how to apply this technology?

A: They had help.

Q: Who?

A: The same one who helped them develop the bomb.


A: No comment.

Q: How did the Air Force benefit from all this?

A: Highly experimental ram-jet technology was tested at Muroc that was classifled Above Top Secret (Ultra). Also heat compression technologies were developed at Edwards for some special spacecraft designs.

Q: Why did the Air Force initiate Project Blue Book?

A: Mainly for public relations. Basically, the Air Force wanted to gather UFO intelligence on a low-level so as not to tip off the Russians of any intensive efforts by the US in developing high technology weapons. By that time, the Air Force had accepted the fact that there was a higher intelligence beyond ours. Only a dozen or so people in US government knew anything about the sighting reports and recoveries of these “lifting bodies”. So it’s not surprising that lower level Air Force officials did not know of the highly classifled intelligence operations being conducted at that time. As long as the public was convinced that the Air Force was just as curious as the public was, It was the perfect cover.

Q: Was there any UFO activity during the war within the US?

A: There was some pilot sightings and by bomber crews who were in training in B-29’s (Project Silverplate) that worried the Pentagon. Unofficially, some had speculated that Dr. Bush and others were involved in some kind of aeronautical designs that were noconventional aircraft by any standards known at that time. President Roosevelt had authorized a great deal of money into “lift-bodies” technology that was associated with the Manhattan Project and ultimately with military applications.

Embassy and military communications from Japan and Germany were constantly being intercepted and decyphered. I think some of the reports were dealing with Foo Fighters or new spy weapons in the MAJIC (MAGIC) network operations.

In 1938, it was believed that the Army G-2 wanted to test the response of the civilian population by monitoring the CBS radio broadcast of Orson Wells’ War of the Worlds. Of course, this did create widespread panic in some areas.

There were on several occasions, sightings of huge black objects hovering over Los Alamos in early 1945 which caused severe power blackouts that could not be explained. Wendover was kept informed of this because it was feared that unknown radio propagation could effect the detonation of “Fat Man” and “Little Boy”. This was not recorded in the security files for fear of generating panic in Washington. Officially, Los Alamos identified it with
“atmospheric anomalies” and left it that way. Some identified it as storm cloud and electrical storm effects. It was never clear what caused the sudden surge of radiation detection or electrical shorts.

The first atomic bomb almost prematurely detonated enroute to Hiroshima when an unknown radio signal almost armed and activated the detonation and trigger mechanisms. It was not known how it happened. The system was corrected.

Q. Was there other Air Force investigations other than Blue Book?

A :Yes.

Q: What were they?

A: Black Sky intelligence operations utilizing high altitude aircraft such as X-2. X-15, and U-2 aircraft. High altitude, long trajectory rockets equipped with all kinds of cameras and sensing equipment. Television was used on some rockets. White Sands and the Cape were the launch sites from 1947 into the late fifties. All data were classified in a report called. I think, “Blackbook” or “Black-Sky”.

I heard of another Air Force project that looked into all the historical records concerning #UFOsightings from all over the world. Some of the records were from libraries, newspapers, folklore, mythologies, government records of unusual reports from farmers, lighthouse workers, and so forth.

There was talk that the Vatican holds numerous flies of sightings going back to the fifteenth century. They also have photos that depict craft of usual shapes and sizes that are of the 1915 period. No one can gain access to this collection. It was rumored that the Vatican even has a UFO locked up in one of the vault rooms inside the Vatican Basilica and would not let the Air Force see it or photograph it. This study was called the “Whitebook”.

There was a scientific study that began sometime in early 1948 that involved the astronomical community. I only read a brief memo from Vandenberg that solar astronomy became a concern or was attractive to the Air Force for learning about cosmic radiation effects on aviation electronics.

These projects were canceled after the Air Force experienced a loss of pilots and aircraft while trying to respond to air space violations of UFOs over sensitive military and AFC installations. The Air Force wanted to counter the “Black Sky” threat by forming the “High Frontier” programs for space-based weapons systems in the early 60’s. Talon Gold and Teal Ruby projects directly resulted from satellite recon photos of orbiting spacecraft of unknown origins. This led to the establishment of the NRO National Reconnaissance Office in 1960. Also, the raw data were processed by the secretive Technical Reconnaissance Squadrons and classified by NORAD H9 at Ent Air Force Base, Colorado Springs, Colorado.”

L.Stringfield: The Colonel’s reference to the Foo Fighters needs clarification. During WWII, these aerial interlopers, often described as highly maneuverable silver disks or self-luminous globes, were frequently witnessed by Allied airmen starting in late 1943, mainly over war zones. In the European Theater of Operations, they were called “Kraut fireballs.” As the number of encounters increased in Europe and Asia, Air Force Intelligence surmised that they were a new ingenious German weapon. Their objective? Theories ranged from intelligence-gathering surveillance to jamming engines, rendering radar ineffective or causing psychological disorientation.

Surprise! When Germany surrendered in May, 1945, the Foo Fighters persisted throughout the Pacific Theater until the final days of the Japanese surrender. I know. I saw three of them approach my aircraft, a C-46 with 12 GI passengers while flying near Iwo Jima on August 27, 1945. This famous island battleground was my stopover before landing at the Atsugi Air Base near Tokyo 4 days before the war officially ended. Incidentally, the second C-46, following my light, crashed mysteriously into Mt. Fuji; all passengers were killed. I will not belabor my experience here as the story is described in my books. Inside Saucer Post 3-0 Blue and in Situation Red: The UFO Siege.

The Colonel used the word Foo Fighter, loosely as we, in research, have used. Roswell. His mention of General Jimmy Doolittle heading up the investigation of the phenomena should probably be about the “ghost rockets,” another mystery device that penetrated Scandinavian skies in 1945 and 1946, sometimes crashing. Like the Foo Fighters, the early belief was that the rockets were a high-tech device that the Germans may have developed. But, when the war ended, the remaining German Luftwaffe pilots who had also encountered the strange craft thought they were American.

In summary, take your choice — Foo Fighter, Flying Saucer, Lifting Body, or #UFO; they all have the exact unknown origin. To those who want to argue the point that the Germans were capable or did build a disc-like device, one might add that just maybe they got the concept from a crashed extraterrestrial spaceship. But thoughtfully, while the Colonel presents extensive information showing official concern for the pervasive UFO, he carefully avoids data that confirm its origin. Perhaps, then, it is significant when he states that the Talon Gold and Teal Ruby projects were a direct result of satellite recon photos of orbiting spacecraft of unknown origins,”



