The Grey Doctor

One night as my husband and I were making love, I saw him as an alien creature when I closed my eyes but the act was with soooo much love, that the image didn’t bothered me, I was just very present on the moment. Afterwards we both fell asleep.

Later on I woke up and I was on a surgery room, there was a head lamp on top of the table where I was laying down, it was very bright.

I turned to my right and there was a Female Tall White One, next to her there was a small grey being, he was performing some type of procedure on my lower abdomen, next to me there was another small grey and across the table, there was another grey assisting “The Small Grey Doctor”.

Just then, the Female White Tall one saw that I was awake and she told the doctor, I could hear her and she wasn’t moving her lips, so the communication was telepathic and I could hear her, I was calm for some reason, I wasn’t freaked out or scared, then the Small Grey Doctor reached with his arm and his hand touched my head and I feel asleep again, later on that night, I woke up in my room.” I woke up in my room.

I have the distinct feeling that they extracted an embryo or fertilized egg, and I am 90% sure that it was a girl, because over the years, I have been getting the feeling that I have a daughter out there somewhere.

I would love to meet her and even though I have met her on my dreams, I wish that I can do it consciously.


“The Grey Doctor”

  • Form of Communication: Telepathically
  • Works With: Tall Greys and Tall White Ones


  • Small 4’3 – 4’5 Feet tall ;
  • Slight Grey Skin ;
  • Big head , Big brain ;
  • Small eyes ;
  • Small nose ;
  • A slit for ears (maybe) ;
  • Skinny , very Skinny ;
  • Long 4 fingers ;
  • Wearing a silver/light grey skin-like onesie.

“The Reptilian Lady”


  • Bluish \ Green Shinny , Serpent – Like Skin ;
  • Yellow eyes with a slit four pupils ;
  • Protuberence on top of eyes \ ears ;
  • Head a little flather on top ;
  • Two small slit like holes for nose ;
  • Big mouth with small Pointy teeth ;
  • Looked like a normal, human female, but changed form into a reptilian – like beign.